Christmas Eve, 2015.
While I may
not have seen the long awaited, much hyped, most recently released installment
in the Star Wars, I have seen the
previous films. Whether or not you are a Star Wars fan or have seen each of the
episodes in the franchise a hundred times, you probably recognize words from
the opening crawl that set the story in time. Each one of the movies begins with
a prologue. Those words let the audience in on what has led up to the point
where the action begins as the start of the movie.

With each Star
Wars installment, we remember the origins of the story. We remember the
characters that have come and gone and the ones who have been central to the
story. And we remember that at its core this is a story about the age-old
forces of good resisting and rebelling
against, the forces of evil.
We witness
the struggle between these forces in the movies. We root for the good guys who,
at the end of each movie have gained the upper hand, yet we know that the
struggle between the imperial forces (those are the bad guys) and the rebellion
(the good guys) is not over. Far from it. [After all, there is another sequel
or prequel to come.]
At the
conclusion of each of these movies, even as the x-wing fighters make their
victory laps, we know that the evil still exists and will once again raise its
ugly head, but we also revel in the
fact that the Good guys continue to
resist, that the rebellion continues
to grow, and that good does triumph;
and one day, hopefully, will overcome all
evil. Despite the twists and turns in the plot, we can believe that it will
ultimately win not just the hour or the day, but the whole shebang.
Tonight we
gather as we do each year on Christmas Eve, and sing our beloved Christmas
carols and hear again the now-familiar biblical texts telling the story of the
nativity of Our Lord Jesus.
We rejoice in
the fact that God’s love is so strong and God’s mercy is so broad that God came
to earth as a little child. We revel in the birth of this tiny baby, which is
just the beginning of that episode in which the grand story of our redemption is revealed.
As we do
every Christmas Eve, we hear the familiar words from Isaiah, our own prologue
to the story: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those
who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them a light has shined.”
And then, we
hear the words we long to hear, the
words we have been waiting to hear.
We hear the words of hope: “For a child
has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Did you hear
the wondrous, good news? “A child has been born.” And then, the words that tell
us why this is good news: This child has been born For us. This child has been born for you and for me.

The truth is
that God has reached out to humanity before – freeing Israel from slavery, giving
us the law to guide our ways, sending the prophets to warn us of the danger we
risked because we rebelled not against evil, but against the ways of God.
Through it
all, God’s love for humankind persisted. God’s desire for us grew ever greater.
God’s determination that we should not perish but should enjoy an everlasting
relationship with God was firmly rooted in God’s endless love. In the birth of
Jesus, the Messiah, God sent God’s own eternal light and life to the world.
We gather
this Christmas Eve surrounded by the beauty of the night, sharing the story,
singing hymns and carols because with the birth of Jesus God has inaugurated a
new age. It is the age of hope. It is the age of our salvation. We sing our
beloved carols, our own songs of rebellion against the evil and tyranny of the
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant! O come ye,
to Bethlehem, and behold him, our newborn king. He is the highest most holy,
light of light eternal…Jesus…and to him we give all glory and praise.
We sing our victory songs, acknowledging that God’s goodness
reaches down to earth in this babe born in Bethlehem, and is the only power
strong enough conquer the sinful forces that seek to claim us. And so, on this
night, we are encouraged to shout out the good news:
Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere;
go tell it on the mountain that down, in a lonely manger the humble Christ was
born, as God sent us salvation this blessed Christmas morn.
The history
of the liberation of humankind from the evil forces of sin and death reads a
little bit like the saga of the Imperial Forces and the Rebellion of the Star
Wars movies.
“In those
days a decree went out…” and suddenly we attach a chronological time to God’s
advent into the world through Jesus Christ. The mystery of the ages is that
this miraculous birth then becomes kairos
time – God’s time – the time when the
veil between heaven and earth is lifted, and God descends to earth and enters
our humanity in the birth of the Messiah.
In this
humble birth God stands against the powers of the world, the evil that lurks
around us. God faces down sin and death. Through this birth, God came to tell
us that we are deeply, truly and eternally loved and desired by God, and that
nothing in the world can keep us from God’s love and grace and blessing.

In a few
moments, we will sing out our battle cry against all the forces that would seek
to deny God’s love, God’s power or God’s very existence. We will sing out a
song of rebellion full of the blessed assurance of God’s eternal victory:
Love has come—a light
in the darkness! Love shines forth in the Bethlehem skies. Love is born! Come
share in the wonder. Love has come and never will leave us! Love is life
everlasting and free. Love is Jesus within and among us. Love is Jesus,
Glory be to God, on high.
Merry Christmas!