Matthew 10:40-42
Our Gospel this morning brings to a close
Jesus’ Sermon on Mission. Throughout Chapter 10 of Matthew’s gospel, Jesus has
been teaching his disciples what it means to
be disciples, and what that experience will look like for those who answer
his call.
As this chapter unfolded, Jesus commissioned
the twelve disciples, empowered them to preach and teach and cure those who are
sick and to drive out evil spirits – you know, all very “technical” aspects of

If we go back to the beginning of his gospel
account, we’ll remember that Matthew delivered Jesus’ genealogy, establishing
connections between Jesus and the historical figures and prophecies of old, and
pointing to him as the promised Messiah. Here at the end of chapter 10 the
gospel writer Matthew, makes connections of another kind.
Here, Jesus draws the straightest line
between himself and God, making the astonishing statement that to accept him
means to accept the one who sent him – in other words, to know, believe in, and
accept Jesus is to know, believe in, and accept God – which is the heart of the
gospel. But then, Jesus extends that line even further:
welcomes you welcomes me,” he
tells those disciples who will carry out this mission into the world, “and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.” Within these three
verses, Jesus uses the word “welcome” no less than six times. Six times in this Gospel passage, as
Jesus is wrapping up what it means to disciple, Jesus ties the welcome received by his disciples to discipleship itself.
Jesus extends this understanding of
discipleship to the potential hospitable action of simply giving a cup of water
“even a cup of cold water” to one who
proclaims and serves the mission of Christ, as themselves serving the mission of Christ and therefore earning the
reward as well.
Those who offer hospitality to the disciples
on the basis of their connection to Christ, are answering a call of their own,
and are thus disciples themselves. Those who support the disciples through
prayer, financial support, offering them welcome and caring for them enter into
the mission itself, and Jesus welcomes the offering they make and the work they
do and makes them disciples, too.
As twenty-first century followers and
disciples of Christ, we are still being sent into the harvest. The world may look vastly different from the
first century Palestine of Jesus and these disciples, but as community being
sent into a perilous world we still depend on the support and hospitality of
others. Jesus says of those who enact such hospitality “whoever welcomes you welcomes
me, and whoever welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me.”

This week, nine members of our congregation went
forth here on the Eastern Shore to participate in a Service Retreat. We expected to work – to serve the needs of several service
organizations and facilities that serve some of the most vulnerable people
living in this region. We expected to
spend time in devotional study and activities. Four youth and five adult
members of the congregation signed up
to do our good works in the name of Christ, to spend some time deepening our
spiritual lives, and, to have a
little fun.
As I stand here today, I can’t even tell you what I expected out of this week. All I can
tell you is that the experience of this week far exceeded any expectation that I, as the “spiritual leader” of
this group might have anticipated as we began our planning months ago. To be
honest, I am still processing the experience
of the Service Retreat, the connections
we made to those who regularly devote their time to address the wide-ranging
needs of others. I witnessed the members of our group grow in awe of ways that God is known through the ministration of
humble servants who are compelled to
go above and beyond in regular ministries of compassion and care. The vast majority of those with whom we
worked are volunteers, and even the paid staff go well above and beyond the
time and limitations of their paid positions to compassionately care for the
needs of others. The need is great and truly, the workers are few.
In every place that we went, we were known as
followers of Christ – the t-shirts we wore might have had something to do with
that – and we represented Grace Lutheran Church. In every place we were welcomed, genuinely accepted in to the
ministry or work we were there to do, and offered overwhelming hospitality. It was, in a word, humbling.
Of the four places that we served during the
week, three deliver services to those in need of the basics – food, clothing,
help with everyday necessities, or shelter. You know, all the things you would
expect to be supplied by a mission society, a housing shelter, and a soup
We expected
to do our good deeds, perhaps engaging with some of the recipients of our
well-intentioned labors through this service week. What a good feeling that
would be!
Sandy did a wonderful job of connecting us
with the places where we would serve, scheduling our time with them and then
preparing us for our service element. But she couldn’t prepare us for the people we would encounter.
place after place we
encountered true disciples who,
because we were a church group volunteering our efforts for a time, offered us
extraordinary hospitality. We, who came to serve for a few hours and leave,
were welcomed and embraced by those who work in the trenches each day, each
week, whenever they can put in a few hours.
In each place, we were welcomed
as honored guests by staff and volunteers who were ridiculously grateful
for our little bit of time. We heard about the mission of each organization,
and we came to understand how each staff person and each volunteer who keep
these places going sacrifice of their
time and give their talents because they care deeply about the tremendous
need they witness through their work, and because they feel called to make a difference.
They serve with humility and passion
and humor. They see the humanity of
the people they serve, and they are committed to making lives in some way
better, more tolerable, more secure.
While the welcome we
received and the gratitude that was expressed to us were both heart-warming and
humbling, especially when compared to
the daily work of the saints serving these ministries, they were also indicative
of the Spirit at work in places where the mission of God is being served
through the outreach, feeding, sheltering, accompanying and clothing ministries
take place day in and day out.
Even on the day in
which our service took the form of care of the environment as we fought
mosquitos and flies to clean up trash at Assateague, we received a warm welcome
and the gratitude of the staff and patrons of the park.

Each act of kindness or support for the
mission and ministry of those on the front lines are an extension of Christian
kindness and are gathered into God’s work to love, bless, and save this world.
Each of us here this morning is commissioned and empowered to serve in the
greater work of God in whatever way we can, offering hope, compassion, love,
care, and new life to those on the margins.
In all we do, let us pray that we might never
tire or be discouraged, that we might know the presence of God’s Holy Spirit to
be present and active, blessing our work and support of ministries near and
far. May you come to know how God is calling you to serve the mission of the
church, that others may know the love and care of Christ Jesus, and be welcomed
into a new reality of hope and love in the name of the one is was, who is, and
who is to come.