Pentecost 2019 – Acts
Imagine that you and I
are among the disciples who have been regularly meeting together and have even
gotten to spend some time with the risen Jesus during the fifty days since
Easter. How might we relate all that happened on that Pentecost morning?
Perhaps something like this: spoken as a
1st century disciple
As we sat in the upper room on this 50th
day, it’s been ten days since Jesus ascended to heaven, but before he left us,
in the days between his resurrection and now, Jesus said and did some pretty
radical things, just like he did when he walked with us before his crucifixion.
From the very first night, the day we
discovered his tomb empty, Jesus has returned to visit us and explain things to
us, and tell us how we will do the work of his kingdom when he’s not here
But from that first night, Jesus told us not to fear but to be at peace.
He told us many times that he
would not leave us bereft and alone but would send and advocate to lead us into
the way of peace.
One night, soon after the empty tomb, a
couple of the disciples were walking on the way to Emmaus and they met him on
the road. They didn’t recognize him at first, he appeared to them as a stranger
– but they told him all that had happened in Jerusalem. But that night, as he
sat with them at dinner, suddenly, in the breaking of the bread, they knew with
no doubt at all exactly who he was.
He opened our hearts and minds to
understanding the Scriptures that night, especially as they pointed to him as
the Promised one of God.
Then, just like he had in the days before his
death, he promised to send an
advocate – the Holy Spirit - to equip
us with gifts who would open us up like that, and would give us all that we
needed to carry on his work, to tell everyone about who he was and why he came
– what happened to him, and all that.
He told us that while we would never know the
exact time when he will return and bring the kingdom to its fullness, until
then, all the gifts we needed would be given and all he has told us will help do
our work – the work he is giving to us.
This advocate would even give us the power to
carry the truth of who he is throughout Judea, including, amazingly, that wretched, unholy place, Samaria, and
finally to all the ends of the world. Jesus means for us to share with
everyone, so that everyone has the opportunity to believe in him.
Who could ever believe these things if it
were not Jesus himself who told us they would happen? Who could ever believe that
eventually his followers would live on every continent throughout the world?
But I am getting ahead of myself.
Because, as we sat in the upper room pondering
all these things and wondering about what God would do next, or whether those
opposed to us would break into that room and do to us what they had done to
Jesus, maybe what we should have been
afraid of instead was about to happen.

Things got crazy then, with fire first appearing
and then separating into many tongues which rested on each person there, and
suddenly, before they even knew what was happening, the eleven were speaking in
many voices and languages! I can’t even begin to describe what a powerful
experience that was! The truly amazing thing was, all the believers gathered
around could clearly understand what each one was saying, - every word – every
foreign tongue, even if not in their own tongue!
The noise was incredible!
The cacophony that was created by all this
was so loud and so strange it startled the unbelievers, who could not understand
what was happening and claimed we were crazy or drunk or both.
But we knew we weren’t. We were altered
alright, changed for sure, but in the very best way possible, freed from our
fear and our ignorance through this blessing of the Holy Spirit of God for the
holy mission God would give us. And we would never be the same.
But the amazing, wondrous, miraculous things
did not stop there. Peter, the same one who assumed would lead us despite
making some of the biggest blunders, always sticking his foot in his mouth –
well, he began to speak.
He, who had never preached before, began
speaking with power and authority about the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of
the living God, who was sent by God into the world but who they (the unbelievers)
had crucified. He spoke powerfully and convincingly for hours!
Amazingly, by the time Peter was finished,
all those unbelievers – about three thousand of them, repented, confessing
Jesus as Lord, and they were baptized.
The church we know today doesn’t look much
like the one that was birthed that day, especially as it appears in the Western
world; there were no specially-built churches with steeples or organs or pianos
or band set-ups; nor large buildings with auditorium seating, fancy lighting,
and screens like some churches have.
There were no little baptismal fonts like
what we have now, and no fancy altars and pulpits such as we have come to expect
in so many of our worship spaces. There were no committees or vacation bible
schools or Sunday School programs for that matter. No pot-luck dinners, fund
raisers, or youth groups.
As Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber writes, “At the
so-called birth of the church there were no ushers handing the Parthians a
bulletin. The Medes didn’t have a bake sale after the
service. It can be hard to see any resemblance at all from how we
started to what we have become. …. unless we look at the people. In
which case there is honestly no difference whatsoever.
“See, we still have fear and isolation in the
church. It’s called sectarianism. So nothing’s changed there. And
those people who did the whole speaking in tongues thing …well, obviously they
are the Pentecostals.
“And that long list of how many different
nationalities showed up must have been added by the first UCC’er bragging about
their multiculturalism. Nothing’s changed there.
“Then there were those who witnessed this
powerful act of God…this Pente-chaos and, in an attempt at intellectualizing
it, all they said was “well what does this mean?” So, they were like, the first
“And the ones who said, “Those people are
drunk” were perhaps some Evangelicals focused on the personal morality of
others. So that’s not changed a whole lot.
“Then finally there’s the nice but
completely naive guy who says “O my gosh, there’s no
way they can be drunk…it’s only 9 o clock in the morning.” So,
there we have what we like to call the Methodists.
“Nothing’s changed much,” Bolz-Weber
“People are people. There are the emotional
ones, the judgmental one, the naïve ones, and of course the ones like myself,
who insist on categorizing and naming everyone as though people can be reduced
to a label. Honestly.
“So, there we all are even from the
beginning. Flawed, smug, confused, embarrassed and embarrassing…in other
words the very people to whom God sends the spirit.”
I think Bolz-Weber has a point there. Just like that first Pentecost, God
still surprises, shocks and amazes us by showing up, and never as we expect him
First, God doesn’t use perfect people to show us what godly love is like;
that’s a good thing because if God needed perfect people to do this work that
would rule a lot of us out, me chief among them.
Nor does God seem to care much if we are man or woman, straight, gay or
queer, single or married, young or old, rich or poor, black, white, pink,
yellow, brown, red, purple, polka dotted or striped. God just loves. That’s
what God does, and that’s what God expects us to do.
God doesn’t care if we are perky or fussy, beautiful or just average,
tall or short, skinny or generously proportioned. God loves us just the way we
are and offers himself for our salvation, and then uses us to serve the whole
world, sharing the good news of this astounding grace.
God doesn’t care if we are eloquent or totally trip over our tongues when
we have to talk in front of people. God uses us anyway.
God doesn’t care if we get squeamish at the first sign of a paper-cut or
whether we are battle-hardened, having accompanied others through the deepest
wounds imaginable, through the Holy Spirit God gives us the gifts we need to be
the embodiment of the hands and feet of Jesus – with hearts full of compassion
and love.
God’s Holy Spirit is
not stopped by closed doors – including the doors to our own hesitant and
doubting hearts.
God apparently doesn’t
care on whit whether we are rich or poor (although Jesus does caution us that
what we treasure reveal where are hearts are focused).
God doesn’t really care if we’re liberal or
conservative, centrist, libertarian, or green-party. We may struggle with this
one, truth be told. But God doesn’t. As long as we unite in Christian love,
service, care and compassion, and continue to call out evil, injustice,
oppression and bigotry, God’s okay with whatever we want to call ourselves;
because God knows our most fundamental identity is Child of God. God knows this
because God made it so.
To help us with this,
God sent Jesus that all might have life in his name, and then sent the
Holy Spirit, that the life he gave might grow and share the good news of his
mercy and grace.
The Holy Spirit’s job
is huge – and so when she came, she came in whirlwind, and fire and powerful
signs and wonders. Today we celebrate the enlivening, empowering, creative,
faith-giving, unifying work of the Holy Spirit.
Where do you feel the Holy Spirit moving in
your life? In this place? In the world?
We rejoice that Jesus did just what he said
he would, by sending this advocate this force of the divine, to be the wind
under our wings, the one who prays with and for us in sighs too deep for words,
brings us to faith and then strengthens us in the Word.
And today we celebrate the Holy Spirit who
stirs things up, because the mind of the Spirit is the will of God, willing us
to that abundance of life God desires for those in this world to have. It’s sometimes
a challenging reality, as the equanimity in God’s vision often upsets the apple
cart, leads us into turbulence, and takes us to places we’d rather not go. This
Holy Spirit sometimes consumes what was, in order to make room for what is to
come. And that’s a good thing.
As you look around and see the Holy Spirit at
work in the world, or look inside and
see her transforming you, and especially as we look at this church and see
God’s presence and work through the Holy Spirit enlivening our work together,
let us give praise for that fiery Spirit and blessed wind. Through God’s mercy
an the work of the Spirit, we pray that this church would soar to places we
never imagined possible, doing God’s holy work. Amen.