Isaiah 2:1-5 ~ Advent I, December 1,
Blessed Advent to you all, my friends.
With the singing of these beautiful
hymns, reflecting themes of hopeful watching and waiting, the lighting of the
first candle on our Advent wreath just a few moments ago, and the changes
within our sanctuary, we truly know that the season of Advent has begun.
The blue paraments that now adorn our
pulpit, and lectern and the beautiful new banners, gifts from another
congregation, and the quilt depicting the coming of the angel to Mary all
provide visual cues that alert us to the fact that we have entered this holy
season. But not all is happy and holy, is it? Did you hear the Old Testament reading?
During Advent this year, all the Old
Testament texts are pregnant with hope and expectation, and come from the
prophet whose writings are often used to prepare for the coming of Christmas. But
it’s not an easy pregnancy. These texts are chosen for the poetic way that this
prophet spoke about the house of God that would one day come, bringing with it deliverance for the people of God.
They are used for the ways they invite us into imagining a future where fully God reigns, where the world is transformed,
where suffering is stripped away, where unity and peace will be more than a
dream but instead are a reality. Where all peoples are part of the peaceable kingdom.
Because these readings from Isaiah
contain some of the most vivid imagery we have, I thought that for these four
weeks of Advent, I would preach a sermon series, “The Things Isaiah Saw.”
Together, let’s discover the link between these precious texts written by the
prophet centuries before the coming of Christ, and our lives today.
What do we know about the prophets,
like Isaiah? We know that they were not popular in their own time. We also know
that prophets rose up during times of great distress and tribulation and lament.
They all have one particular thing in common. Their central message went
something like this: things are bad, they
are really bad, and they are going to get worse (hence the unpopularity
business). But, they continue, take
heart. Repent! Because something is coming that will astound you; God has heard
your pleas, and be assured, there will be a grand reversal, the likes of which
you cannot even imagine. God will bring this about, and although there will be
judgment, there will also be great vindication for God’s faithful ones, and
what will follow is going to knock your socks off. There will be salvation in a
kingdom that is beyond anything you can imagine. So, wait for it. Look for it.
Prepare for it.
Just before the text we have before us
this morning, in the first chapter of the book, Isaiah has just described the
reality of what he observed around him. And it was bad. It was really, really
bad. What did Isaiah see? He saw violence and devastation, destroyed cities; he
saw officials selling their constituents out and taking bribes; he saw the
people living unfaithfully; Isaiah saw treachery and he saw people trampling on
the poor and vulnerable. He saw wickedness, children corrupted by the evil all
around them. He witnessed rebels and sinners intent on destroying what God had
built up. Yet he declares that “Zion shall be redeemed by justice, and those in
her who repent, by righteousness.” (1:27)
Then comes today’s reading and Isaiah
moves to a different vision – one that comes out of the future. He describes a
glorious vision of what he saw coming
for Judah and Jerusalem. And what were the things Isaiah saw? He saw God’s
house established as the highest of mountains – a position of dominance and
authority; and he saw all peoples, all nations streaming to it (even enemy
nations, no longer at war). God will judge between them, and they shall war no more.

What an image! Can you see the hammer
of the blacksmith or the metal worker or a soldier or a king coming down on the
sword and spear, pounding again and again, beating the tool of warfare into an
implements used to plow the field and harvest good food?
If I could have found one and managed to
get it in here this morning, I would have set an old plow up, right in front of
the altar, right in front of the table of the Lord. Because I think the visual
might help us to see and imagine what this text is saying to us
today. And we need to see and hear
what this word of God is saying for us today.
Instead, you’ll find an image of a plow
like the one Isaiah spoke of right there on the front of your bulletin. Imagine
this farming implement, this tool for planting the life-giving grain and
vegetables and fruit that are so necessary for life and for strong bodies, and
imagine that it was once a weapon of war, once used for cutting off life. Imagine
it has been transformed. I wonder, where have you seen killing fields
transformed into life-giving gardens of plenty?

Can you see the young black woman
holding on to her seat on the bus? Today is the anniversary of the arrest of
Rosa Parks for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in
Montgomery, Alabama, an action that spurred a boycott. Things didn’t turn
around right away, but Rosa Parks became an icon
for social change and the end of segregation and beginning of a new reality for
civil rights in this country. Can you see her later working with the likes of
Martin Luther King, Jr. bringing a new kind of freedom for many Americans?
Things aren’t perfect yet. Racial tensions still exist and devastate
communities. But laws were changed, lives and visions for a future were
transformed, and the doors of opportunity were opened through the peaceful
protest of Parks and so many others like her.
“They shall beat swords into
plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword
against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” Killing fields will be
transformed into life-giving gardens of plenty. Can you see it?
This summer, several churches in Talbot
County, Grace among them, participated in the Migrant Worker Ministries,
providing basic provisions for migrant workers in the area. Because of the
outpouring of generosity of members of Grace, one Monday in August, two cars pulled
right up alongside the church, right here on Hanson Street, where they were
filled to the brim with necessary supplies and clothing and other items which
were then delivered to the residents of three different migrant worker camps
just up the road. Many of the residents there are alien workers. Many are
working here to provide for families in countries devastated by poverty and
drug wars.
There I literally witnessed tears of
joy from men who live and work in harsh conditions, far from home, toiling in
poverty for meager wages and no benefits. “They shall beat swords into
plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword
again nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” Killing fields of poverty
transformed into life-giving gardens of plenty through the generosity of
strangers. Can you see it?
In the text, Isaiah admonishes the
people to come and to learn God’s way. It is more than an invitation, it is a
summons to walk in the Lord’s light and glory, to follow God’s instruction, to
eventually cross the bridge of truth and justice for all people, and arrive at
a place of peace. Isaiah tells us that people will be transformed by this
teaching. It won’t be easy; it will take courage and obedience and justice –
and patience! But this text offers affirmation that history will one day reach
its goal – and the full reign of God will come. And God’s kingdom requires
radical transformation of existing conditions.
At the beginning of the journey there
is yearning, but take heart; expect the unexpected, where tanks for warring are
transformed into tractors; where minefields designed for destruction are
transformed into soccer fields; where stories of a future, where hope burns for
justice, and peace and plenty will be appreciated by all peoples.
As we prepare this Advent for the
coming of Christ, may we find in this living Word of God a word that speaks to
us today, calling us to beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning
hooks, and urging us to transform killing fields into life-giving fields of
peace and plenty, through repentance, through courageous love and action, and
through hope-filled expectation at the coming of Emmanuel, the final judge and
ransom of the world. Amen.
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