Matthew 17:1-9
Transfiguration Sunday
I love mountains. If I had the
opportunity to build my dream home and had to choose between a site on the top
of a mountain or a place at the beach, the choice would be tough. However, although
I find the beauty and power displayed in the ocean to be supremely alluring, I
think I would go with the top of a mountain. There is just something so
beautiful, so mysterious and so awe-inspiring about mountains. Being so high
up, able to look down upon a panorama of God’s beautiful creation, full of
diversity and life and light is simply amazing. And so, as I read this text, my
first reaction to this story is, “I want to be there. It must have been spectacular.”

Here at the end of the Epiphany
season, on the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday each year, in order to
participate in this mountaintop experience and to remind ourselves that this experience is part of our experience too. Here in the church we
pull out the white paraments; we sing songs evoking the glorious
transfiguration of our Lord. We share in the blessed meal of our Lord’s bidding.
We might remember that it wasn’t all that long ago that we heard echoes of the same voice as it spoke the nearly the same words at the beginning
of Jesus’ public ministry, because the truth is that Epiphany both begins and
ends with God’s voice making Jesus known to the world.
Do you remember it? Where have we
heard these words before?

The repetition of these words
declaring the true identity of Jesus, confirm what was revealed at his baptism
and has also been confessed by Peter and the disciples. Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah. But in
the verses just before these, when Jesus reveals a new word to the disciples - that their journey to Jerusalem would
end in his passion, death and resurrection, they had vehemently protested. These poor disciples, who constantly swing
between faith and doubt, understanding and misunderstanding, cannot grasp this
truth that confuses their worldview.
The Son of God, the Messiah, is
supposed to be the victorious Lord of
all, who rescues God’s beloved people
of Israel, who vanquishes the foe. If
Jesus is truly the Messiah, how can
what Jesus said be true – that he would suffer and die? I doubt that they even
heard the part about his being raised from the dead. They were afraid. They
were confused. So by nature, they had begun to doubt. God then adds these words
to the declaration on the mountain as an exhortation that they should listen to
what Jesus has to say, and obey him. God’s words affirm that what Jesus has
revealed has been ordained by God. In obedience to the will of God, Jesus will
go to Jerusalem, submit to suffering and die. And there, God will have the last
word, from the cross. There, the love of God and Jesus Christ’s solidarity with
all those who suffer will be revealed - and with this Transfiguration on the
mountain, there should be no doubt of the source of this revelation.
Throughout the story of the bible,
mountaintop events are transformational. They are pivotal. On the top of
mountains, perspective is changed. Relationship with God is clarified and even
Back a few years ago, there was a
series of TV commercials for a financial holding company, EF Hutton. Do you
remember them? There would be a gathering of people at a party, or a large
group of people working together in an office, or perhaps a couple of people
having dinner in a crowded restaurant, when one person says to another, “EF Hutton
said,…..” and immediately, the scene freezes;
all chatter ceases; even the music and everyday sounds in each of the settings
are silenced, and suddenly everyone is focused on listening to what it is that EF Hutton has to say. The tag line
then was, “When EF Hutton talks, people
listen.” And not only were these people listening, they were listening with intent. They want to know what EF
Hutton, the voice of authority, reveals about what they should do with their
I think of those scenes when I read
this text, because I think that while God wants to reiterate that indeed Jesus is God’s beloved, and is supremely pleasing to God, there is
something important about the additional words of God here, and they draw us into the scene as well. The
tense of these words in the Greek is more like, “keep on listening to him”. These words are for Jesus’ disciples of
every time and place. These are words meant to carry the disciples all the way
to Jerusalem with Jesus and beyond.
Many translations render God’s
command here as “listen to him” but I
think that it could just as easily and perhaps even more accurately be
translated as “hear him.” In fact, it
could be argued that whichever way the Greek word is translated, both listening
and hearing are important to the life
of the disciple.
Our world is filled with words,
sounds, music, conversation, myths, monologues, dialogues, instructions,
announcements, and these days, weather reports – words, words, words. There are
conflicting sounds, words and voices. Like the disciples of Jesus’ time, some
of what we hear confuses our worldview
and we struggle with doubt. While many of the everyday words and sounds of our
lives go in one ear and out the other, here in this biblical text, God commands
us, “listen to Jesus….hear him, and keep
on hearing him.”
Yet hearing and understanding are
not automatic. Listening that does not lead to action has severe consequences
in the life of faith and discipleship.
On that mountaintop, Jesus
encountered God and was transformed. The scene harkens back to another
mountaintop scene when Moses encountered God and was likewise transformed – his
face shone like the sun. While we might not physically travel to the
mountaintop, while we may be afraid of heights, would rather be at the beach, prefer
our feet to be planted firmly on the ground, and are filled at times with doubt
or fear, God’s word comes to all who follow Jesus – to all who follow the one
whom God declares is God’s Beloved,
the one in whom God is well-pleased. God calls disciples to listen to – to hear and to follow in Jesus’ ways. God’s
word comes to us – listen to Jesus. Keep on listening to him.

God meets us in Jesus the same way.
What is it in your life that instills falling-down-on-your-face fear? Jesus’
response is, “be raised up.” What is it that keeps you from hearing God’s word
and plan for you? Jesus’ answer is “I love you – be raised up.” The cross of
Christ and the resurrection are the antidotes to all that stands in the way
between you and discipleship.
The good news for us this day, is
that God doesn’t leave us on our own to figure these things out. God doesn’t
leave us on our own to believe, to act or to pray. The Spirit draws us to the written
word and there we meet God. God’s grace is poured out upon us in the holy meal,
where we share in the Word made flesh. There, Jesus feeds us with his own body
and reminds us, “this is for you.” Jesus meets us in the wine, and reminds us
once again, “this is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you.” And even if
we have fallen on our faces in failure, fear or doubt in the moment we receive
this precious means of grace, are fed and forgiven, we are transfigured too.
Each and every time.
As we enter the season of Lent this
week, my prayer for each of us, is that we might commit to listening to and hearing
God’s voice; that wherever our Lenten disciplines take us, as we encounter
God’s voice in the scriptures, we might witness to the transfigured Lord of
all; as we contemplate God’s transformational activity in our lives, in and
through the world, that we might learn to love as Christ loves.
Let us pray; Lord God, as we
journey toward the cross, grant that we may learn to listen and to hear well
the transforming word of grace and love and might be so inspired in our
discipleship, that in the new life of Christ is evident in our engagement in
the world. Grant that we might become the instruments of your mercy and grace
Jesus showed us to be. And unite us in spirit and love. In the name of Jesus we
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