John 14:1-14, Acts 7:55-60, 1 Peter 2:2-10, Psalm 31:1-5,
Sometimes these images evoke other memories.
Occasionally they shock or even overwhelm us. Sometimes competing images confuse us. Much of the time, images evoke an
emotional response from us.
Here are some
of the images, for instance, which have been taking up space in my head this
week. They begin with the snapshots of empty
dormitories in a school in Nigeria from which over 200 girls were kidnapped
over a month ago; they are still missing - evidence of so many lives
interrupted. There are images from burned-out
homes and acres of land consumed by wildfires in California, still threatening
vast areas of the state. There were the crowds of people in Turkey, waiting for
news of the fate of those buried deep
under the debris of mine explosions, hope dimming with each passing hour; and there
was a pregnant woman in Sudan condemned
to death because she is a Christian and refuses to renounce her faith, the
faith in which she was raised, a risk most of us simply cannot comprehend. All
startling and disturbing images.
Against those images though, are these: the youth of Grace working hard to
raise money so that over a year from now, they can join with tens of thousands
of other high school aged students at the National Youth Gathering, where they
will learn more about their faith, where they will have the opportunity to
share and discuss more about the issues affecting their lives as Christians in
an increasingly pluralistic world, and where they will put their faith into
action through service to the people in need in the city of Detroit, where they
will be meeting. I have the image of dozens of Easton residents showing up to stand in solidarity and support of a shelter
for some of God’s beloved children who are facing tough times; images of walkers
and runners gathering and participating in races locally and elsewhere, to raise funds to give hope and cure to those afflicted with life-threatening illnesses. I
carry with me this morning the image of men and women of all ages gathering at
the Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg where I was on Friday, first to celebrate their accomplishments when
seminary degrees were conferred on them, and then coming together as community
again a little later that afternoon, to give
God thanks and praise for all God’s blessings and for their vocations; and,
the images of hope and excitement at commencement exercises held in places locally
like Washington College and Salisbury University and in many other institutions
of learning across our country and around the world as well.
Like many of these images, the
scriptures that we read this morning are simply snapshots out of time. They capture a part of the story, but we know
there is detail and a backstory that we are missing. Alone, the images evoke a
response, but do we really know what we are even reacting to? Take our first
reading, for instance, a dramatic story to be sure – this text, which tells of
the stoning and martyrdom of Stephen. This story presents a powerful image – a young man, a disciple of Christ, sees a vision of heaven,
with Christ standing as if as witness at the right hand of God, and then is rushed out of town and stoned to death.
In and of itself, this is a powerful image. We also have to admit
though, it is in many ways disturbing
image. True, in this short piece of the text we are given an admirable picture
of the strong Christ-like witness of Stephen whose final words, we are told,
are in fact reflective of Christ’s words from the cross, words of forgiveness
for his murderers. But you know, this
story would make a really poor employment ad for disciples for Christ.
But we know that there really is
much more to the story. If you read the preceding chapter of the Acts of the
Apostles, you will learn that Stephen, because he was known as a young man who
was “full of faith and the Holy Spirit”, was called as a disciple early in the
first days of the church. As the church was rapidly growing, it was noted that
help was needed to make sure that the
people most in need of food were not
overlooked but were being cared for. And so Stephen and some other disciples were
added to attend to the needs of the poor. Yet, as he is serving and tending the
people, Stephen’s strong witness of Jesus Christ, the wisdom and strength of
Spirit with which he spoke caught the attention of the wrong people, who
plotted against him and ultimately brought him to the moment we read about
here. Hmmm, still not very enticing, is
it? Anyone here ready to sign up?

But then we read the other
scriptures we have before us this morning. It looks like the psalmist has had
some troubles of his own. Don’t we all? From time to time, like the author of
this psalm, we all have our struggles. Enemies from within and without assail
us. As members of this fallen humanity we each suffer as well as cause pain and
suffering. Stuff happens that we cannot understand or explain. We inflict harm
on our environment, and we are vulnerable to disease and death.
Yet as this psalmist faces challenges
and hardship, his words reflect hope,
assurance of God’s steadfast presence and strength, and ultimate deliverance.
Whatever befalls him, he declares, “Into
your hands I commend my spirit, for you have redeemed me, O LORD, God of truth.
For my times are in your hand….let your face shine upon your servant, save me
in your steadfast love.”
Our reading from 1 Peter tells us
about the beloved of Christ, a “living stone, though rejected by mortals yet
chosen and precious in God’s sight…” The author of that lesson goes on to
describe how firm a foundation we have when Jesus Christ is our cornerstone,
the one in whom we believe and trust, the one through whom we receive the grace
and mercy of God.
Finally, we come to the gospel from
John which comes from the Farewell Discourse Jesus delivers to his disciples on
the very night he is handed over for his passion and death, and ultimately, his
resurrection. I would like to focus on these
important words from this gospel for us today, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in
me.” (verse 1) There are many words that follow. Words that promise a
mansion in which God is preserving a place for each one of us. That is for the
future. But the gospel words of this passage for all the disciples of Christ,
both then and now, are these that come from the first verse.
Jesus isn’t simply telling his
disciples here not to worry. But Jesus knows what is coming. Like many of the
events of our days and the images that accompany them, Jesus knows that events are coming, images that will shock,
terrify and yes, trouble the hearts of the disciples. What Jesus is telling the
disciples – and us –is more like this – Jesus is telling us that the time is
coming when events will threaten, frighten, shock, sadden, and even terrify
you. But you will have faith to withstand whatever comes, because Jesus has
given it to you. “You believe in me,” Jesus is saying, “and I have told you
things that you will remember and share with others. Continue to hold onto my
words, to the promises of God, because though them, I will continue to reveal
God’s love to you.” Jesus will replace troubling images with reassuring ones,
including those of this mansion with many rooms, including one with your name
on it.
Jesus knows that the disciples will
be troubled by the coming events; that the early church would be troubled by
persecution; Jesus knows that we are troubled by shocking images and troubling news
and events in our own times and in our lives. Jesus knows that it is only
natural and human to be concerned, frightened, and even to have doubt when
those things transpire. But Jesus is telling us, when those things happen,
don’t be consumed by worry, do not let your hearts continue to be troubled.
Rather, turn to my Word. Turn to the faith that I have given you. Turn to the
promise of God that is true – that I will always
be with you, with you to the end, and beyond.
But Jesus doesn’t stop there. Jesus
promises that despite images that assail us that would cause us to worry, to be
troubled, and even to doubt, that God loves us, is with us, is and will be
always on our side. God continues to be rock, refuge, and strength. God
promises that we are God’s people, and that as such, we have received God’s
mercy and grace. God abides with us. God will dwell with us now and forever. Even
when we cannot fathom the events around us, like schoolgirls being kidnapped
and used as political pawns, or wildfires destroying the homes, property and
environment, even when life’s challenges, disease and death threaten, we can
believe in God and in the promise of our Savior who loves us, who hears our
prayer, and answers our needs with wisdom, with eternal promise and with
unending, surprising, and even shocking displays of mercy and love.
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