There is an indelible image that I carry with me. It comes
from a description of the Holy Spirit which one of my seminary professors shared
with my class early in my seminary career that has forever changed the way I
think of the Holy Spirit. It is inspired by Greek vocabulary, the biblical
witness, and our understanding of the character and nature of the Spirit of God. And here it is:
While we often think of the Holy
Spirit in images of a soft white dove, lightly descending onto a scene, blessing
its inhabitants with grace and peace as when the dove descended on Jesus at his
baptism, and while we visualize the
Holy Spirit as many artists have imagined and portrayed her in countless works
of art, again as a rather sweet, radiant white, harmless-looking dove, there is another
image that is likely far more likely in tune with the nature of the Holy Spirit.

While he was still with them, Jesus
promised his disciples that he would send an advocate. He promised that he
would NOT leave them alone. He promised that he will, through his spirit, equip,
accompany and empower them for mission in the world. Those are promises that
can only be kept through the powerful
intervention and presence of God through the Holy Spirit.
When you come to think about it the
dive-bombing pigeon may truly be the best way to come to full realization of
how the Holy Spirit can inspire, empower and thrust us into the world and into the true mission of God as God
intends it.
Debbie Blue, in her book, Consider the Birds, A Provocative Guide to
Birds of the Bible, makes this distinction: “The dove has come to seem
banal and bland and cutesy as far as Christian symbols go. It has come to
represent something polite and petite and pure. Maybe this has worked to deprive us of a more robust view of the
Holy Spirit. Isn’t it sort of limiting
to imagine the spirit of God as something dainty and white?” Blue continues,
“We are made of dirt, according to the creation account in Genesis. We are full
of bacteria. We each carry two to five pounds of bacteria in our bodies – two
to five POUNDS. We could kill a dove with one or two blows from the back of our
hand. We need a spirit that can handle
The dive-bombing pigeon image
appeals to me because it truly is how
the Holy Spirit has worked throughout the history of the church and especially
on that day – amazing individuals
with abilities they never thought
they could possess, surprising the
world with unexpected gifts, disturbing
structures of complacency and division, and always,
disrupting the status quo, serving as
God’s presence breaking into the here and now in and through the Spirit’s impassioned
work, through inspired acts of love, dramatic acts of faithfulness and
devotion, and encounters of grace and mercy with unparalleled promise. Jesus spoke at the beginning of his ministry,
saying, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring
good news to the poor,” the dive-bombing pigeon demonstrates to us that what
God promises, God, in God’s abundance pours out, for the sake of the world.
Jesus came and stirred the fear and
wrath and even hatred of those who were absorbed within the structures of human
power and sin. But Jesus also showed us
a new way to live – a new vision of the kingdom of heaven to focus our dreams
upon – and a new covenant that included all people everywhere, a new
commandment, to love as Christ loves, and a call to feed, clothe, shelter,
forgive, pray for, accompany, and protect those who are placed along our path.
his homily for Pentecost last year, Pope Francis, stated, “Only the Spirit can
awaken diversity, plurality and multiplicity, while at the same time building unity. Here too, when we are the ones who try to create
diversity and close ourselves up in what makes us different and other, we bring
division. When we are the ones who
want to build unity in accordance with our human
plans, we end up creating uniformity, standardization. But if instead we let
ourselves be guided by the Spirit, richness, variety and diversity never become
a source of conflict, because he impels us to experience variety within the
communion of the Church….. The Holy Spirit is the soul of mission.
The events that took place in Jerusalem almost two thousand years ago are not something far removed from us; they
are events which affect us and become a lived experience in each of us. The
Pentecost of the Upper Room in Jerusalem is the beginning, a beginning which
endures. The Holy Spirit is the supreme
gift of the risen Christ to his apostles, yet he wants that gift to reach

And yet we acknowledge that the
work is long and hard and it is far from easy. We look at the state of the
church today, and we wonder, how can this little church, how can I make a difference? How can my voice be heard? We look around and we
see a pretty homogeneous gathering in this room. How do we welcome and embrace
the kind of diversity that the spirit calls us to?
So, I invite you today to read the
faith papers of our confirmands, printed in the back of your worship bulletin and
you will see the spirit at work. More than one of them state that they certainly feel the tension created
by an increasingly unchurched society and pool of peers. They feel it, perhaps
more than many of us who grew up in what we now affectionately call the “glory
years” of the church – when religious activities and commitment were held in
esteem by our society rather than being judged by it.
These young adults feel that
tension yet are committed to claiming
for themselves the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God in order to live lives of
faithfulness and to work for the good of God’s holy church in the world. In a short while they will stand up and affirm
their baptisms and claim for themselves the faith of this church that is
calling them - and each of us - to mission and ministry. They will stand here
and lead us all in reciting the creed that confesses faith in the God who works
through adversity, in unexpected ways, redeeming us fr
om our sin, and granting
us new life. They will lead us as we profess our confidence in the Holy Spirit
who grants us identity, who accompanies, empowers and unites us in our work and
makes it a holy offering to God.
This Holy Spirit of God blurs the walls
of difference we create for ourselves. Then she opens the door and lets in the
unfit, the sinner, the blind, the lame, the poor, the sick, the weak and the
meek. Rather than pure white innocence and gentleness, this dive-bombing spirit
of God in fact makes of us a fuller, richer, more varied and blessed body of
Christ, equipped for sharing our individual gifts, working together for the
benefit of the church and the good of the kingdom of God, for God’s sake.
Interesting image of the dove. Do you read Flannery O'Connor? If not, read one of her stories called "The Enduring Chill".