Trinity Sunday 2016
So, I begin with a
question for you this morning.
Actually, it’s more like a series of questions; so, here we go:
Where do you find God?
What is God’s role in our lives?
How do we see God’s work played out in
the day-to-day journey we are on, and
in the more defining moments of our
Those questions
are based on the ones I hear all the time from people, the same kind of
questions I like to ask people, as well. There is a lot to consider within each
of those questions, my friends, and just asking them questions out loud, I feel
a little bit like Alice sticking her head down the rabbit hole.

Each year we
observe this Sunday, the week after Pentecost, as Holy Trinity Sunday, and we
honor, and give thanks and praise for the fullness of God, Jesus Christ, and
Holy Spirit.
And on this Sunday,
we pastor types – at least the ones not smart enough to take this Sunday as
vacation - try – and fail – to come up with the winning definition or description of exactly what or who the Holy Trinity is and how it works.
Of course, we have
various teachings of the church, like the words of the Athanasian Creed to help
us. I want you to note that I have never actually asked you to recite the
Athanasian Creed on this or any other Sunday.
For those who
might not be familiar with the Athanisian Creed, it is a statement of belief
written sometime around the 4th century and says a lot about how it is that God exists in three
persons, separate yet united, all
God, yet one God. This ancient creed goes
on in complexity, for a page and a half,
offering a way to understand or say what we believe about the Trinitarian God
without falling into heresy.
In one small
section we read, “Uncreated is the Father, uncreated is the Son, uncreated is
the Spirit. The Father is infinite; the Son is infinite; the Holy Spirit is
infinite. Eternal is the Father, eternal is the Son, eternal is the Spirit. Yet
there are not three eternal beings, but one
who is eternal; as there are not three uncreated and unlimited beings, but one who
is uncreated and unlimited.”
This creed goes on
to say that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are equal and inseparable. Did I
mention that it goes on like this for a page and a half? To be honest, I’m not
sure this creed or these words are really all that helpful to explain a mystery
as deep and profound as the Holy Trinity.
It’s not that they
are misleading or incorrect. But I think that what we are looking for today,
that leads us to those questions I asked earlier is the desire to know, what
does any claim that we make about the Trinity mean for our lives today?
What does any
explanation or creed about the“Trinity”, do to help us in growing our lives of
faith and hope? Perhaps a better question to ask on this Trinity Sunday is: how are we to understand and experience
God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and what difference does it make in our
These questions are
important and they are a good place to start. They are very likely the ones we already and often ask ourselves – both aloud and in the silence of our hearts. Indeed,
the what, where and how of God are questions that sometimes haunt us.

We also ask those
questions when we lie upon our beds at night; when sitting at the bedside or
kneeling at the grave of a loved one and wondering about their destiny; and we
ponder them as we experience and observe the struggle and pain carved into
humanity, and receive the reassurance of our baptism, answering us in deep
sighs, “Saving Redeemer, full of grace.”
The questions are
as old as humankind and as current as this morning’s news. They are as familiar
as those other questions we ask,
about who God is and why God allows
this or that to happen.
The mystery and meaning as well as the truth
about the presence of God, and the very nature
of God are reflected in the various readings we have before us this morning. They
affirm that God, creative, redeeming and sanctifying God, is capable of
confronting our questions and lovingly accompanying us as we ask them. We
sometimes receive answers through faith and hope which are given to us when we
least expect them and most need them, not by our own effort, but by the
presence of God that holds us in eternal relationship with the divine – the
Holy Spirit.
It is God as
Trinity who accompanies us when we are overwhelmed by our daily struggles; who
comforts us when we are weary from life. As we struggle, God speaks to us
through the words of Proverbs 8 and Psalm 8 which remind us how our loving God
conceives of us human beings crowned with glory and honor.
Can you imagine
that? God imagines us crowned in
glory and honor. It is for this reason that God redeems us through the
incarnation and the salvation that Jesus brings. It is for this reason that God
has taken on the burden of our sin. It is for this reason that in love, the
Holy Spirit reveals God’s nature in Jesus Christ. It is for this reason that
God made us free to make choices and to live our lives yet at the same time
provides us the Spirit of truth to help guide our way.
When we are
disturbed or alarmed by the natural, political and social chaos we witness each
day, these texts assure us that God ultimately makes things work in harmony in
this overwhelming world. Then, God calls us to participate in bearing the
responsibility toward the well-being of the world around us.
The apostle Paul
describes for us a life where, despite the agonized groan of the creation which
surrounds us, we can know peace because of Jesus, who grants us the grace we
need to be free to endure, grow, and live in faithful obedience to God. We have
this assurance because of the love of God that is poured into our hearts by
none other than the Holy Spirit. Even when our hope is challenged. Even when we
feel as though we are under assault by forces around us that we can neither see
nor understand; we are right to believe that
God is with us and to hope that through the Holy Spirit God strengthens us and
gives us the endurance and faith we need.
“Where do you go to find God”?
Perhaps in the
creative world around you, in the love shared in relationships given and
blessed by God; community where we together, with holy purpose, we worship and
praise God, and come to be strengthened and nourished, through God’s word and
the working of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit
guides, blesses and makes holy our offerings of time, talent and treasure, the
grateful responses of hearts and hands moved by God’s creating, nurturing,
saving love which existed from before the dawn of time and which, in every age,
God has made new and fresh and relevant for the whole human race.
In prayers lifted
up and through words of encouragement I hear shared between you on a Sunday
morning, I see the Holy Spirit binding us together for godly loving and caring.
Each act, each word of care and support, each prayer, comes as the stirring of
the Holy Spirit of God who declares God’s love in these and many other ways.
“What is God’s
role in our lives?”
The answers to
this question are as pointed and sure as the single response, “since God is
love, God’s role is to love.” God’s creative role is constantly being seen and
experienced not only in the natural world but also in the ongoing work of God’s
loving us into existence and shaping us to be the people that God desires us to
be. That’s a lot of work for God to take on! Even on my best days, I know that
such shaping is like a full-time job for God.
But God, working
as Father, Son and Spirit, takes on that job for each of us. In every moment of
our lives and most especially in those defining moments when we are at the
crossroads between life and death, joy and sorrow, service and need, we are
abundantly blessed by the ever-loving, ever-present, ever-revealing God; Holy
Trinity. Thanks be to God!
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