Luke 12:13-21 and Colossians 3:1-11
If I actually had a bucket list, two items that would be sure to be on it would
be taking a hot balloon ride, and going on an African safari – the kind where
the only shooting that takes place comes from a camera.
So, when I came across this story, it really appealed to me.
A man named Danny and his wife took
a hot air balloon trip early one morning while visiting Africa. Perfect!
As the balloon rose gracefully, they
saw a herd of wildebeest running frantically across the vast expanse
As they
watched, the herd suddenly stopped
and began looking around as if they were confused.
Danny asked their pilot why the herd had stopped so suddenly; what were they
looking for?
The pilot
told them that the wildebeest, which migrate by the millions across the grassy African plains, are not good learners. An entire
herd will take flight at the slightest
indication of danger. They run wildly
for a short time, and then stop, forgetting why they began running in the first
lions, who are good learners, simply follow
the stampeding herd at a leisurely pace and wait for them to stop. When the
wildebeest forget why they are running, dinnertime
So I wonder, are we more like the wildebeest or the lion?
Can you imagine running and running and running
and then forgetting why you are running at all?
The truth is we
all fall prey to this cycle at times,
running here and there and back again, busy in our work or school, busy in our family,
busy with our social and financial obligations, busy running to something, busy
running away – eventually overcome with our busy-ness, only to forget what it is
we are running after to begin with, and why
it was so important to us to be. So. busy.
This forgetting is more than
the experience of walking into a room and failing to recall why we went there
to begin with.
Rather, in
all our running and chasing after things that ultimately give way to confusion,
we forget the things Christ has
taught us about trusting in God, and about
how we should live.
We forget the ways Jesus showed us about living in community, loving
our neighbor, and forgiving those
who have trespassed against us. We forget the priorities that God set before us
– love me, love neighbor, love yourself.
We sometimes forget that caring for
the outcast, the marginalized, and the sinner was at the top of the list of
what Jesus taught us to do. Those
were the things that were important to Jesus – connecting with, and caring
for our neighbor. Sadly, when we forget this core instruction from God, our
attention and focus naturally turns inward.

So, there is this telling
conversation he has with himself, when he realizes that he has run out of
storage space for his hoard.
The man thought to himself, “What should I do, for I have no place to
store my crops? I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build larger
ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my
soul, ‘Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be
It is all “I, I, I, I, I, and my,
my, my…..” This is his focus and his mantra – it is all about me, myself, and

In the
parable we see the vanity of the rich
man who is obsessed with what the
epistle to the Colossians refers to as the “things that are on earth”. These
are fleeting things that we have a tendency to place importance on—everything from
material wealth, to status, to power over others – the writer of the Epistle names
the pursuit of all these things idolatry.
While it is sensible stewardship of
the resources God gives us that we save and
reasonably plan for our future material needs, a component of stewardship as
Jesus teaches it, is to trust that we are
given ample resources to share and
to use for the betterment of others.
Knowing that God provides for our
daily needs, we are freed to trust that
God also provides enough for us to share.
This message is at the core of all
the stewardship stories in the bible, from manna daily given to the people of
God in the wilderness, to Jesus teaching the Lord’s Prayer, which comes just
before this text.
God carefully and lovingly gives us all
we need. It’s the same message our own stewardship team diligently establishes
in their messages to our community throughout the year.
However, there is more to this text than a message for the
stewardship of material goods, as
important as that is. For if we look at the beginning of the passage, we will
see that this entire story begins with someone asking Jesus to settle a property dispute within their family. So
this is also a message for the stewardship
of human relationships.
Maybe you’ve known or witnessed the
pain and turmoil that families sometimes experience when huge battles erupt over
the inheritance of property upon the death of a loved one, whether a will had
been left or not. Bitter divides form over such arguments, and lifelong scars
and estrangements often result. So we can understand someone coming to Jesus
and wishing for him to speak with authority on this matter.
But note Jesus’ response; “Be on
guard against all kinds of greed; for
one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” Instead, in
Christ we have been granted abundant life to share both now and in a future we cannot yet see.
So, according to Jesus, greed includes
not only those things that we yearn for that we do not have, but also those things we already possess but
would do just about anything to keep.
Greed is indeed a deep pit into
which we fall and cannot, on our own, climb out of.
The epistle lists so-called earthly
things that we run after. I wonder
what other things we can name? Living in a consumerist world, what are some of
the earthly things that we chase after, long for, and amass for ourselves? I
suppose such a list would include
winning the lottery
the latest technology
land, property
In contrast, Paul’s letter to the
Galatians picks up this theme and reminds us of the good gifts or fruits of the
Spirit, which God provides; gifts that build human relationships, gifts that
are godly. That list looks quite different. It includes things that reflect on
the love of God in Christ Jesus and the things he modeled for us, which help us
dwell in authentic Christ-like relationship with our neighbors:
The good news of the gospel is that
as life in Christ truly includes a radical reorientation of our values as
individuals and even more as
community, we are freed by the grace
of God in Jesus Christ from the need to run in circles, consumed with worry
after the things that are on earth.
are freed by the grace of God through Jesus
Christ to know that as the love of God is limitless, we will always have enough
to share, and are already forgiven for the times when we struggle to do so.
As followers of Christ we find joy
when we willingly and happily share with our neighbor the material, physical
gifts we have – food, clothing, shelter, money for utilities and gas but also
of this grand pool of love and welcome that we have been given.
As we are freed to let go of the
things and the greed that has previously driven us, we are enabled to reach out
to our neighbor in authentic love and invitation.
Let us therefore embrace
Jesus’ word, that we might be rich toward God who, by the power of the
Spirit promises to give us eyes to see that all we have is a gift from God’s
gracious hand.
Let us know the
gift of this community of faith that reaches out to share the gifts we have
first received – time, talent and treasure, that all may know the abundant life
of Christ.
Through the Spirit
and in community, undistracted by the vanity
of pointless running, let us see and hear the very people Jesus saw and
heard; the lonely, the disenfranchised, the weak, the poor, the powerless – our
neighbor – all those we are empowered to love and embrace.
Let gratitude and
grace define us and define our lives. May
we have ears to hear God’s call to remember that our lives are not rich because
of what we have accumulated or done, but because of what God has done for us in
Jesus, on the cross, and through the abundant life that begins in our baptism
and never, ever, ends.
Let us remember
that in this God-given abundant life there are always more people to invite in
and to embrace with the love, joy,
gentleness, patience, kindness, and generosity and all the rest with which
we are gifted.
Let us pray that
Jesus will continue to show us the way, for surely Jesus’ own bucket list must
include his desire that this abundant life of richness toward God be the single
possession and treasure that all people will one day share.
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