Matthew 28:1-10
Christ is risen, Alleluia!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
well-known and often ignored piece of advice to pastors regarding children’s
sermons is, “don’t ask questions.” You never know what you’ll get – you know
the adage, “Children say the darnedest things?” Of course, there is also the
saying that Jesus himself quoted, “Out of the mouths of infants and babes….”
there is a pastor who asked this
question in an Easter Sunday children’s sermon a few years ago: ‘What were
Jesus’ first words to his disciples after he was raised from the dead?’ To be
honest, he didn’t expect an answer. It was sort of a rhetorical question; but before
he could give the answer from Gospel of this morning –a little girl waved her
hand eagerly, excited to answer the question, so the pastor called on her. “I know
what Jesus said,” she answered; “Tah dah!”
Well, today we do indeed celebrate the great
“Tah dah!” of the church, for—
Christ has risen! Alleluia! He has risen indeed! Alleluia!
You know, what it is lacking in dignity, “Tah
dah!” more than makes up in accuracy, as a reasonable response when presented
with the wonderfully surprising, unprecedented, and miraculous resurrection of
Tah dah!
This Easter Sunday, we celebrate with great
joy the wonderful surprise of that day when Jesus was raised from death to
While the real
first word the Risen Lord Jesus spoke was in fact a very ordinary greeting – in this extraordinary
moment, “Tah dah!” would have seemed about right.

The shopkeepers and merchants, the innkeepers
and even the government officials and temple caretakeres were cleaning up and
recovering from the Passover festival of the week before, even as the great
multitude of visitors who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover departed to
return to their homes.
It was back to business for many in Jerusalem
that day.
It was not, however, business as usual for
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, mourning the death of Jesus. For them and
for the other disciples, still reeling from the events of the week before, experiencing
a communal sense of loss and failure, grief and shame, there was nothing ordinary about this day.
For these women, a visit to the tomb seemed
in order.
It’s the same place where they had sat and
watched as the dead body of Jesus was wrapped in linen and lain to rest just a
couple of evenings ago. Aside from perhaps anointing the body, the women may simply
have wanted to spend time where he rested—they felt closer to him there.
You may have experienced the same kind of need,
following loss.
Cemeteries are full of granite markers placed
for our loved ones who have died, a place where we can go and remember them. Some
of us have, in our home or in another special spot a place where we can go to
remember and feel close to those we have lost.
But as the women approach the tomb, perhaps hoping to experience something of the
essence of Jesus but expecting to
experience nothing more than grief that day, two extraordinary things happen.
On that first Easter morning, just as on the afternoon Jesus died, there is an
earthquake. An earthquake!
What must they
have thought? Did they remember the way the earth shook as Jesus died on
the cross?
Then they saw an angel of the Lord descending
from heaven, rolling back the stone from the entrance to the tomb, and they
heard him speaking to them, saying, “Do not be afraid.”
These women, who perhaps had lost all hope,
who are deep in mourning, who are the only two disciples brave enough to leave the upper room where the rest of the
disciples were hiding out on this day, suddenly see an angel whose appearance
is like blazing, blinding, white-hot lightening, from whom they are suddenly
given words of hope, comfort, and reassurance. “Do not be afraid.”
Jesus is not here, the angel says, he has
been raised from the dead just as he had
promised he would be. Look in the tomb. See for yourselves.
So, the women take a look, and then, perhaps
another, because indeed, “tah dah!” Jesus is not there. His body is gone. The
tomb is empty.
The stone was rolled away not to let Jesus
out but to let the women in; to let the women in so that they could see and
witness for themselves the empty tomb.
Tah dah!
Jesus is risen! Alleluia! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Jesus has been raised from the dead, the
angel tells them.

This is good news for us. For the fear and
joy, the pain of illness, and broken relationships, the reality of our
vulnerability and the frailty of life, the victorious resurrection of Jesus is
nothing short of a life-giving, world-changing miracle.
The angel sends these women to be messengers themselves,
carrying a holy “Tah dah!” for the disciples of Christ. “Quickly!” He says,
“Quickly go!” Go tell the disciples this wonderful news. Tell the disciples
that Jesus has been raised from the dead! Tell them that Jesus is still on earth and even now he’s on the
way to Galilee where he will meet them!
So the women, with a mix of fear and joy,
rush down the road to share this good news with the disciples.
They don’t understand what has happened and danger
still surrounds them. But there is compelling good news to share, and the women
can’t wait to share it.
Jesus has risen! Alleluia! He has risen indeed! Alleluia!
And then, Jesus meets the Marys. On the road.
On the way.
“Tah dah!”
The women immediately know him and they throw
themselves to the ground and they take hold of his feet and they worship him.
In the whole of our gospel today, I think this
is my favorite verse. It is a “tah dah” moment, this moment of recognition, where
Jesus appears to the women and well, what can they do but fall to the earth? What
would we do?
And yet in that moment, Jesus’ response isn’t
all that profound “Greetings!” he says.
The women are overcome with joy and wonder
and awe and fear, and Jesus is so nonchalant, “Hi!” he greets them.
In their amazement, they have to touch him.
They grab onto his feet. He has died, and yet here he is standing in front of
them, and he is real! They can feel
Tah dah!
I know if I were one of those women, I
wouldn’t ever want to let go. There, on the road, still holding onto him, they
worship him. They acknowledge him as their Lord.
Jesus repeats the message of the angel – go
tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.
Jesus has risen! Alleluia! He has risen indeed! Alleluia!
The good news for us is in the details of the
story. Jesus lives so that we will never die. Jesus lives so that we can live
fully now and later. Jesus lives so that, though our lives contain both sadness
and joy, guilt and shame, fear and wonder, we can be assured that Jesus is with
us in and through it all.
This resurrection is ongoing, it is a daily
reality, because Jesus is still defeating the powers of evil and death, still bringing
us new life, and will bring us ultimately to life everlasting; knowing this
makes all the difference in the world.

Every time that we are up against a wall with
no way out; or are suffering the betrayal of those we trusted; or confused
about the ways of the world and the suffering we bear witness to, God shows us
that these challenges, assaults and struggles are temporary. They will not
defeat us. In every way that counts, Jesus is with us and in the power of the
resurrection is holding us and making us strong.
mystery and power of the resurrection of Christ is the great Tah dah! of God’s
compassion poured out for the world. In the mystical power of his love, we can
be assured that whatever the future brings, God will strengthen us and empower
us. Whatever fear, pain, or challenge we face, God promises that we will not
face it alone.
God promises that there is nothing stronger than God’s love, and God proves it
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For, since Christ has risen from the
grave, nothing can keep us from God’s love and power to save.
Jesus met the women and as Jesus he will meet the disciples in Galilee, the
risen Christ will meet us on all our journeys. The tomb is empty. Jesus reigns
victorious over the grave. And so, it is with Easter joy and Easter confidence
that we proclaim the great mystery of faith:
Christ is Risen! Alleluia! He is
Risen indeed! Alleluia!
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