Luke 21:5-19
Every now and then Tim McGraw’s song,
“Live Like You Were Dying” comes on the radio. Do you remember that song?
It is associated with Tim’s father Tug
McGraw, who discovered in March of 2004 that he had a brain tumor. At the time
he was told he had but a couple of months to live. He went on to outlive that
prognosis succumbing instead in January 2005. That extra nine months gave him
time to do some things in his life that he had been putting off.

Realizing that no matter what happened,
his time would be shorter than he had previously anticipated, the man decides
to do the things that are most important to him; he checks off as many of those
things on his Bucket List as possible. -those things that he had always put
off until “later”.
The song goes on to name sky diving,
mountain climbing, and riding a bull as some of those things. But then, it is the
relational things that he lifts up – loving deeper, speaking sweeter,
and giving forgiveness he’d formerly been denying the people in his life.
Even as the former activities fade away, the
man realizes that it is his behavior – the ways he treats the people in his
life – and how he himself engages with them that really matters. It is that
realization that leads to, as he puts it, finally being the kind of
husband, and friend that he should have been all along. So moved is he by that
experience, that he issues a challenge to others, to “live like you were
Today is the so-called
“last Sunday” of the church year, and as they do each year the week before we
celebrate the Reign of Christ, the Scriptures we read all have within them an
end-times vibe, something is coming, and something is passing away. There is an
underlying exhortation to do the very same thing the man in the song advises –
live each day as if it were your last, persevering in faithful living.
Malachi warns that the
“Day of the Lord” is coming and that the “sun of righteousness” will
shine on those who are faithful to God. The message: live as God had
instructed you to live.
Paul tells the church in
Thessalonica that as they wait for the Coming of Christ, they should continue
to “do what is right.” The message: stop messing around and straighten
up your act.
Jesus tells his followers
that that despite the trials that will come before the end arrives, they should
continue to persevere in faith and endure, drawing strength from their
relationship with, and the promises of, God. The message: don’t let the trials
of the temporal age dissuade you from believing the truth, from following me,
and let your life reflect your faith and your identity as God’s own.
The early Christian church, including those to
whom both Paul and Luke are writing, believed that Jesus was coming back any
day. But then, the days and the years passed without any sign of the Second
By the time these
passages were written and delivered to the early believers, many had gotten tired of waiting, and they
were falling into spiritual danger as they began to waver and grow weak in
For some, that meant
getting lazy about living as true believers and disciples and apostles of the
For others, it meant
being vulnerable to the false prophets who arose here and there claiming to
be the Christ, demanding their loyalty, and predicting the imminent end of
the world, as if they had the inner track on these things.
For many, it meant losing
hope and losing faith, and being consumed by anxiety and fear when
contemplating the state of the world and the state of their lives – especially
when things like devastating storms, earthquakes, wars, civil unrest and
division, famine and plagues happen around them. So too, when the very thing
that had always been at the center of their faith crumbled and fell.

According to the accounts
of historians of the day, the temple had been magnificent, and it was believed
to be about as indestructible as the Titanic had been believed unsinkable.
Surely, it could never fall, not until the end of the world itself.
This Temple had been newly
constructed by Herod the Great (the same Herod Jesus had referred to in
another gospel text as “that fox”) centuries after the fall and destruction of
the first temple, which had been built by Solomon.
The new temple was an
engineering marvel, with retaining walls composed of stones forty feet long.
The platform upon which it was built was twice as large as the Roman
Forum and four times as large as the Athenian Acropolis. It was huge, imposing,
and seemingly invincible!
The gold
Herod used to cover the outside walls was reportedly blinding when the sun was
reflected off its surfaces. To look directly at the temple, it was said, risked
being blinded.
And yet, Jesus makes the
chilling prediction to those gathered around admiring its splendor; “the days
will come when not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down,”
he told them.
A mere forty years after
the death of Christ, those walls, those stones, indeed came tumbling down as
Jerusalem was once more devastated and the temple destroyed.
This picture is one I
took a couple of years ago; the stones lying in heaps around the façade of what
is known as the Temple Mount today, are the remnants of that once-glorious
Temple. These are some of the stones comprising the temple they looked upon
that day – the disciples seeing grandeur, Jesus seeing death and destruction.
Throughout the eras that
have passed between the 1st century world of Jesus and today there
have been world-altering events, wars, changes, and threats.
While mankind is always
progressing through new inventions and technological progress, we have, in
every generation, also witnessed fragility, not permanence; loss, not glory;
change, not stasis.
There are many fearsome
aspects of life in our world today; wars, rampant corruption, populism rising
around the world further distancing the haves from the have-nots; climate
change creating ever-more-powerful storms and weather extremes; famine.
Not even the church has
been spared, as we experience vast decline and abysmal forecasts for the future.
Looking around our world
today is an anxiety-producing exercise, and when people are anxious and fearful.
Relationships crumble and we cling to hope wherever and whenever it may be
found, even if the hope is false and the prophets heretical.
Predicting when the world will end, or how
it will end, or what will happen when it ends has always been a hot topic. It
has been the inspiration for wayward religious cults, and the setting for many creative
Jesus reminds us that speculating about
and trying to predict the end of time, really isn’t how we are to spend our
time and our energies. Rather than wondering or worrying about when the end
will come or what calamity and devastation will mark its advent, Jesus says
beware. Such speculation leaves us vulnerable to hopelessness and to
charismatic or powerful false prophets.
Rather, Jesus says, “have no fear” – just
live, continuously and faithfully in my name.
Jesus predicts that things will get hard
before the end—but he says not to be afraid.
Despite the trials and tribulations, the
tragedies and hard situations, rather, in the midst of heartache and sorrow,
the eternal presence of God is shining through, and we are not alone.
And the presence of God’s eternity is indeed
in every moment, in every event, in every sorrow and heartache, of this present

Whenever we extend God’s understanding and
hospitality to the stranger, whenever we witness to God’s peace and justice,
whenever we stand on the side of those in need, we’ve tasted eternity.
For faith, hope, and love are the
realities of a life lived within the eternal presence of God.
Rather than sit and wait, Paul commanded the
Thessalonians to get up and work—to do the work of Christ’s church on earth, to
be a part of the Kingdom on earth.
Rather than predict and wait and try to
guess the end of time, Jesus commanded his disciples to get up and testify, right now, to His work in the world. Rather than sit and wait for death, the man
in Tim McGraw’s song chose to get up and live
…he chose to forgive, he chose to love, to enjoy relationship with
others…to participate, little by little, in the good things of the Kingdom on
To live like we are dying is to bring the
light of Christ into darkness—through a reassuring hug, a warm meal, or perhaps
a listening ear. It means to speak a word of hope and healing to those bound by
despair—to speak a word of forgiveness, of reconciliation, a word of love.
To “not be weary of doing what is right”
means to live our lives joyfully serving Christ, in the here and now in whatever vocation and place we find ourselves. We
do this trusting that the life of Christ will conquer the power of death once
and for all, and we will live eternally with God in heaven.
In Jesus Christ, God will see to the
ultimate end of things, but today is
the day for us to live and to act in the way of God’s kingdom on earth.
the day to witness to our faith knowing the God is with us, empowering,
strengthening and guiding us.
and every day – is the day to live like we are dying – because we are! Dying in
Christ, daily dying to sin, dying in order to be raised to new life that is
eternal life. Thanks be to God.
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