Matthew 3:13-17 Baptism of Jesus
It’s hard to believe it is a new year
already. I, for one, am still having trouble writing “2017” on documents and
correspondence. I’ve heard the lament from more than one of my friends, from
many of you, and reflected in words coming from my own lips – “time really
flies” – it goes by so fast. Over and over, there is that repeated refrain - “how
can it be….?” – and then we fill in the blank – “how can it be … December,” or …
“June,” …“a new year,” …“another birthday,” …“his high school graduation,” …“my
baby’s wedding day,” or, if we are
lucky, … “our anniversary – 50 years”! Can anyone here relate?
We feel the astonishing passage of time here
in church, too. Just last week, our gospel relayed the story of the naming of Jesus. The gospel gave us the
story of the day when Mary and Joseph brought an eight-day-old Jesus to the
temple for this naming.
So it is, that with a hiccup of surprise we
realize that in our gospel text today, Jesus is now a grown man – some 30 years
of his life have flown by. That’s thirty
years that we don’t know much about – Jesus has grown up in the blink of an
eye, or the turn of a page, leaving all those growing up years and the stories
that go with them, a mystery to us.
But that doesn’t much matter, because the important stuff, the stuff that tells us
about God, and how God is acting in and for the world through Jesus, is
revealed through the public ministry of
Jesus, and the scriptures are full
of those stories – stories that we will encounter as we make our way through
the gospels.
It is that
public ministry for which Christ is anointed through this baptism we
observe today. Right after his
baptism, Jesus would go into the wilderness to prepare himself for that
ministry. Even Jesus had to prepare.
Back in this baptismal scene, we read about the
voice of God which Jesus hears as he emerges from the water – “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am
well pleased.” As Jesus receives the
Holy Spirit “descending like a dove” and alighting on him, Jesus is both
revealed and acclaimed as the Son of God.
Reflecting on this passage, we might ask
ourselves, did Jesus really need to
be baptized? As the Son of God, as the blameless, sinless one, did Jesus really
need this washing?

For, as Jesus invited John to take part in
his baptism, Jesus invites him – and us – into the work on which he himself
will embark, proclaiming and embodying the goodness and justice of God.
is in baptism that we too,
are claimed as daughters and sons of God. It
is in baptism that we are blessed
by the Holy Spirit, and filled with the gifts we need for ministry. It is in baptism that God tells us that we are beloved, and that our
inheritance is secured; we are given new life and thereby we each become a new creation of God.
How does it feel to know that this thing that
we have experienced in our baptism was once experienced by Jesus himself? For
myself, I am simply struck with awe of
this reality.
One of the most powerful experiences of our Christian lives is remembering our own baptisms. To hear
once again the claim that we are
beloved of God, as Jesus was; to remember that we are anointed with the Holy Spirit, as Jesus was; To absorb the
reality that we are known and
empowered by God, forever, is an
experience like no other, and it is an experience that we share with Jesus
Christ, himself. To be reminded that this baptism commissions each one of us into
ministry in the name of Jesus is a holy experience.
And so, I hope that you got good and soaked
as I came down the aisle with water this morning and “sprinkled” you in
remembrance of that day when you were washed in the living waters of baptism. I
hope that as you felt drops of water from the font fall on you, you felt
solidarity with Christ himself in the remembrance of this means of grace we share.

Although we are reminded of our baptism when
we gather together each week, as we gather around the table and nurtured for
our work as disciples of Christ, our Holy Baptism is best remembered and most
explicitly appreciated when, as a community, we celebrate the baptism of a
new sister or brother.
On such occasions, we powerfully recall that in
baptism God made each of us a
participant in the ministry of Jesus for the sake of the world. The importance
and the reality of our baptism should never be far from our minds. For, as
Jesus shares life, death and resurrection with us, Jesus shares the work and
call of ministry with each of us as well.
Christians often describe baptism as an
outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible grace that God works on our
behalf. It is God’s action that is of
import here, not our own. It is God
who makes us holy, not we ourselves who accomplish this by anything we do. It
is for God’s sake, that we are sent
to reflect God’s love as we are empowered, through the sacraments, for the work
of God’s mission to love, heal, bear compassion for the poor, the marginalized,
the unloved, the unaccepted, the disregarded ones who are part of God’s
It is for this reason that there is but one baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and the commissioning of our call as children of God and
workers together for the kingdom of God. Yet Baptism is not a “one and done”
kind of thing. In fact, it is the opposite of an isolated act carried out once
in our lives for our own benefit.

In Baptism, we received the everlasting,
perpetual declaration of love and pleasure that God takes in us, and the grace
God repeatedly extends to us for the sake of the kingdom of God.
In baptism, we recognize that God loves us
and is well-pleased with us simply because of who we are – his own beloved children. This realization frees us to
live into the baptismal promises with gusto.
We are freed to live out the gospel goodness
of God; to feed the hungry, to give water to those who thirst, to work for the
life of all people. In the next several weeks, through the scriptures we
encounter, we will learn how to share the light of Jesus by living as Jesus teaches,
in humility, serving our neighbors and giving comfort to those who are hurting.
Soon, we will hear from Jesus’ own mouth, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’
recipe for living into the grace of God.
There are challenges in this, for sure. It can
be risky, sometimes, to offer hope to those in deep despair, to those who look
around and see only desolation in the world and in their lives. Through our
baptism and the grace of God revealed to us in Christ we are bold to offer
comfort to those who live in fear of terror attacks, and shootings, and disease
and hunger, and the uncertain and frightening possibilities of what our future
world might look like, living today in a world full of division, apathy and
anger as we are.
We live into our baptismal commission when,
as the Body of Christ, we continually seek new ways to engage with our
community and our neighbors to ease suffering and isolation, homelessness and
fear locally and in places far away from here. Our baptism calls us to share in
the goodness and justice of God. That means seeing all people, even those with
whom we disagree, even those who look, speak and worship differently than we
do, as sisters and brothers created by God and beloved of God as well and
therefore equal to us in every way.
We are blessed when we remember our baptism,
and reflect on the mercy and forgiveness showered upon us in drops or currents
of water on that day and we are blessed by the Holy Spirit to live each day as
an opportunity to rejoice in the daily death of sin and birth into new life and
a new creation of God.
As a congregation, this year we will seek to intentionally
and continually remember our baptism by engaging in prayer and bible study
reflecting on the history of our faith, and seeking to discern God’s plan and
mission for this Body of Christ in this time and place.
We will remember God’s words, spoken of
Jesus, “This is my Son, the Beloved, in whom I am well pleased,” and we will
recall that as these words shine a light on Jesus, that light is reflected upon
all the baptized and all who remain close to him by following him and his holy
Please pray with me.
O Most Holy God, who blessed the world
through the birth and revelation of Jesus as your own Son, now bless us as we
seek to follow him, reveling in the gift of our baptism, and emboldened by your
holy word. Grant us the wisdom and grace to live as your daughters and sons,
washed in the waters of life for the sake of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
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