John 1:29-42
I love to read or hear a good human
interest story. Who doesn’t, right? Hearing the stories of random acts of
kindness, or learning about people who have dedicated their lives to make life
better for others is inspiring.
Reading the story about a person who
saw a problem and then did something to address it, to improve lives or comfort
those who are hurting, is welcome balm to all those other stories that surround
us, frighten us, anger us or frustrate us. At least that’s how it works for me.
When I read these stories, I’m seeking relief from the constant onslaught of
troubling news and commentary that overwhelms me.
I’m looking for evidence that that stuff is not all there is to this
A weekly magazine I regularly read
devotes space in every issue to a “Heroes Among Us” feature. Television news
programs often dedicate a segment at least once a week to a person or
organization that has done something out of the ordinary that is good,
altruistic, generous, or creative, on behalf of those who needed help.
I recently found stories about a
childless teacher and her husband who adopted a young student who needed the
stability and care of a loving home when the foster system failed him; and a
middle school student who created a way to provide food for other students
whose only reliable meals came in the form of federally funded breakfast and
lunches, they received, but only when
school is in session – his project went viral.
There is the church that planted a
garden on their property which now feeds scores of low income families with
good, healthy fruits and vegetables and has inspired other churches and
organizations to pursue sustainable growing methods, providing healthy foods to
supplement their feeding programs; and the woman who adopts and trains shelter
dogs to become therapy companions for returning vets who suffer from PTSD.
These stories and others like them
often appear toward the end of the news program, or magazine issue. I don’t
think it’s because they are considered unimportant by those who have control
over content, but because they know, that after receiving all that other stuff, the bad and troubling stuff, we really, really need to receive good news.
We need to be reminded that one person or organization can make a difference. We
need to be reminded of goodness. We need hope and joy to have the last word.
With all the darkness with which we
are surrounded, with the pain of lost
loved ones as well as the sadness of other losses, betrayals, our own failures
and struggles, we need these stories of
hope. Testifying to the good that
overcomes the darkness and the evil
in our world is vital.
Well, isn’t that what John the
Baptist did too, as he witnessed to the coming of Jesus? He told those who
gathered around him that God was sending light into the world to bring hope and
healing to their darkness. In fact,
earlier in this gospel, the evangelist writes that John the Baptist was sent
from God for this very purpose – to testify to the light, to the reality of
who Jesus is, so that everyone might
believe in him.
The people to whom John the Baptist
delivered this good news lived in a dark world. Their lives were hard. They
lived under Roman oppression. It was hard
to know who to trust. They were poor. It had been a long time since God had
sent a prophet among them, and so they may have wondered if God had given up on
them; why was God so silent in the midst of their suffering?
Then John the Baptist came along and people
followed him because he gave people true hope.
He told his disciples that God has not forsaken them but is sending one to live
among them who will be the fleshly embodiment of God himself.
John the Baptist testified that as
God’s kingdom enters the world through this messiah, God’s mercy and justice
will come upon the earth as well.
And then one day, as John was
baptizing people in the Jordan River, Jesus himself appeared, to be baptized by
John, and to begin his ministry among these people.
Last week, we remembered this key moment
in the life of Jesus, which parallels a key moment in which the light of God
breaks through and shines on each of us, in our own baptism.
We talked about the parallels between
Jesus’ baptism and our own, and we gave thanks for baptism, the wonder-filled,
grace-filled experience we share with our Lord. We even got a little wet as we
were sprinkled with water from the baptismal font. We thought about how
magnificent it is that we get to share
this experience with Jesus.
We remembered that at the very moment
when Jesus emerged from the water of the Jordan River at his baptism, the Holy
Spirit descended and alighted on him; and the voice of God was heard as God
declared, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”
Right after the water is sprinkled or
poured or a person is dunked in the baptismal waters, we hear the words: “Child of God, you are sealed by the Holy
Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.” A promise is made as a
cross is traced in oil upon the forehead – ‘Child of God – you are beloved – I
will never leave you or forsake you.’
A small child won’t remember the day
of their baptism or the claim God makes unless the rest of us testify to the
momentous event. A child will learn of the love of God as we remind them and
show them over and over again how much God loves us. They will learn the way of
Jesus as they hear the Good News shared, and experience God’s love from all the
Jesus-following light-bearers who surround them and show them the way of
The story that makes up our gospel
today happened the very day after Jesus was baptized. Perhaps John was standing
around telling these two disciples of his about the amazing events that had
occurred the day before. After all, that is what John the Baptist did so well.
He witnessed to who Jesus was. He told the story of the identity of Jesus
of Nazareth.

John is crystal clear about who Jesus
is and what Jesus’ purpose is. John testifies. This is Jesus, the Messiah. This
is the Lamb of God. This is he whom God has sent into the world as a light to
the nations. This is he who takes away the sin of the world. Here is the Son of
God. Follow him!
John’s disciples are curious. So they
began to follow Jesus, to physically follow him, when Jesus turns around and
looks at them. He addresses them, “What are you looking for?”
Lose points out in his commentary on this passage that this is the first
question Jesus asks in the gospel of John, in fact, they are the first words
spoken by Jesus: “What are you looking for?” The question is ripe with
possibilities. Jesus may just as well be asking us, “What are you seeking?”
“What do you hope to find?” “What do you need?” “What do you long for?” “What
do you most hope for?”
We could
go back to those human interest stories to find our answer. Perhaps we are
seeking the good news in a world of bad. If so, Jesus is the good news. Perhaps we are looking for relief from the
burdens that weigh us down. Jesus frees
us from sin so that we can follow him more closely, unencumbered by its
we hope to find the answers we need to solve the problems of the world, or even
just to survive them. Jesus shows us the way to truth and love, and invites us
to testify to their power. In the ministry inaugurated at his baptism, Jesus
showed us how to serve others with compassion, mercy, and humility.
we long for a day when peace and justice will rule. Jesus shows us that while evil
forces are loose in the world, they will not have the final word. Even death is
defeated by Jesus’ coming into the world, through his life, death, resurrection
and ascension. Then, Jesus invites us to take part in the work of sharing his
vision of peace and justice for all people by the choices we make and the way
we live.
we simply hunger to see the goodness of God at loose in the world. Jesus
invites us to look around and see clearly that God is present in simple acts of
feeding the hungry and clothing the naked; in welcoming the stranger and
embracing our neighbors with kindness and love; in sitting with shelter
residents and sewing quilts for refugees. God is seen when news is shared of a
family in need and people come forward in prayer, offering material support and
Christmas gifts. God is seen in the nurse that works long past her shift to
care for those under her charge, or in the health care aide who sits and feeds
the woman who can no longer feed herself; or in the first responders who place
themselves in harm’s way in an attempt to preserve and save lives.
In the
text for today Jesus asks, “What are you looking for?” and then issues the
invitation, “come and see.”
We have
the greatest human interest story of all to share as we give witness to the
love of God and the mercy of Jesus Christ. In word and action we get to share that
story, the story of God’s wondrous love revealed in Jesus.
I leave
you with a poem attributed to the sixteenth century mystic, Teresa of Avila:
Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
Yours are the
eyes through which to look out
Christ’s compassion to the world;
Yours are the
feet with which
he is to go about doing good;
Yours are the
with which he is to bless
men now.
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