Luke 1:26-38 – The Annunciation,
Surprises can be good
or bad and you may enter the land of unexpected consequences if you are the one
delivering a surprise.
Knowing your victim –
I mean, the honored recipient of your surprise – and all the possible detours
and deviations that may arise when pulling off a surprise, and then preparing
for them is really important.
Take, for instance,
these surprises that were prepared for me the year I turned 50:
The first happened in
Connecticut, where my parents and brother lived, and where I had gone to
celebrate Mother’s Day with my mom. My birthday is just a couple of weeks
later, in May.

When I was finally
able to find a clear way back to my parents’ place well over an hour after I
left my brother’s, I discovered a group of old friends and family who had all
been waiting all evening for my arrival, poised and ready to shout “surprise”
only to have themselves be surprised by the lengthy and unexpected delay. All
was well, however and we were all “gotten” by the surprises that had played
themselves out that night.
Then, the actual weekend of my
birthday, our oldest son, Bill, conspired to get me out of the house by taking
me out to lunch so Jim and friends could prepare. Bill lived in Smyrna,
Delaware, about 45 minutes from our home and just down the road from a really
great gardening center I didn’t get to visit very often.
My birthday is in May,
and gardening is one of my favorite things to do, so after lunch I thought this
would be the perfect opportunity to go shopping for flowers. I took my
time, browsing through the flowers, the shrubs, the trees, the vegetable
plants, the hanging baskets, the yard ornaments – until finally my cell
phone rang.
“Where are you?”
my husband asked me. “Think you’ll be coming home soon?” Then he covered his
tracks by asking me where we kept something.

In today’s Gospel,
Mary receives an infinitely more astonishing surprise. The angel of the
Lord appears out of nowhere. Gabriel might as well have shouted “Surprise!” at
the unsuspecting girl.
When he first comes to
her, “shock” doesn’t even begin to describe Mary’s reaction. First there is
this grand intrusion into her life, but the words Gabriel speaks
confuse, confound, and trouble her: “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is
with you.”
Greetings, favored one? Mary may be young, but she has
no illusions about who she is. She is a person of no account in the culture in
which she lives. She is young, and though she is engaged to be married, she is probably
only between 12 and 14 years old, the usual age for betrothal in her world.
Typically, after such a
match was made, legally binding her to Joseph, she would continue to live in
her parents’ home for about a year. Once she reached child-bearing age, she
would go to live with her husband.
Further, we know that she
comes from a small, po’-dunk town, for that is what Nazareth was in the Ancient
Near East. The equivalent of “the wrong side of the tracks.”
So, in case you’re
keeping track, in a nut-shell, in Mary’s world, she has these strikes against
her – she’s female, she’s poor, she’s from the wrong side of the tracks, and
she’s barely more than a child herself. You can’t get much more “lowly” than
Yet, Mary’s story is
surrounded by and enclosed in the surprising, and the impossible story of God’s
astonishing, amazing, saving advent into the world.
We might be surprised at the Lord’s choice of mother for the Messiah, but God knew what he
was doing.
There is an adage I’ve
heard, and you probably have too, especially as it is applied to trial lawyers
headed to court. The adage is this: do not ask a question you do not already
know the answer to.
“Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.”
What follows Gabriel’s greeting is not so much a
question as it is an astonishing announcement: that God has chosen Mary to
conceive and bear the child, Jesus, who will reign over an everlasting kingdom.
Could Mary have refused God’s desire for her?
Perhaps. But God knew Mary as God knows each of us, and God called this young,
powerless woman for this role in transforming the world. Throughout the
Scriptures, God has often surprised those through whom God has chosen to work,
allowing and causing the most impossible of events to occur through them. By
the same token, God has called and used the most unlikely characters to do the
impossible, transforming them and the world through them.

As we contemplate
Mary’s story, God is inviting us to be surprised once again by the ways God
does the seeming impossible through the most surprising means and through the
most surprising people.
When we have gone
astray, diverted by the floodwaters of our own desire and sin, when we have
become distracted by the things of the world that appeal to us, while ignoring
the things of the world God has instructed us to focus our attention upon, when
we have broken our relationship with God over and over again, and when the
floodwaters have risen and we have felt lost and isolated, God has faithfully
waited for us, prodded and pursued us. To our great surprise, our brokenness
and propensity for getting lost and being delayed from answering God’s desire
for us doesn’t keep us from God.
Greetings, favored ones. The Lord is with you!
Friends, the good news
of the Gospel is that God is still active in the world, still surprising us by
his choice of disciples. Through Jesus, God has made each of us as favored as
Mary, as blessed as Joseph, as chosen as any of the most unlikely but holy
people we read about in the bible.
God’s activity and
promise did not end at the cross, and resurrection. Instead, God does the
impossible through the cross - it blossoms there, for the
salvation of the whole world.
God pursues us through
the least likely places and makes us people of God’s own creating and
redeeming. The same God who worked through the lowly teenage girl from the
wrong side of the tracks is still at work in you, even when you feel that you
are unworthy, too messed up, not gifted enough or faithful enough to be God’s
vessel for the healing of the world.
God’s favor is
with you, and you, and you – and me. Sinners that we are, God’s favor is
with us, redeeming us, abiding with us, and using us to bear Christ into the
Greetings, favored ones! The Lord is with you!
God favors the lowly
ones. Amidst our weakness, our self-centeredness, our apathy, God is at work. Amidst
our pain and illness, our depression and despair, God is at work in us. Amidst
our confusion and worry, our loneliness and isolation, God is at work in us.
Greetings, favored ones! The Lord is with you and intends to do great
things through you!
As we reach out to the
other, God is at work in us. As we serve our neighbor, God is at work in and
through us. When we extend forgiveness to others God is at work in and through
us. When we ask forgiveness of those whom we have hurt, God is at work in and
through us.
As we pray and
meditate, God’s favor is here, and God is at work in us. As we worship together
and share in the feast of Jesus Christ, God’s favor is here, and God is at work
in us. As we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child as Mary herself did, God’s
favor is here, and God is at work in us, actively doing the impossible,
transforming us for God’s service, doing great things in and through us.
I invite you to join
me in this exercise this week: reflect on these words: “I am favored by God.
Indeed, God wants to do great things through me. One of those things might
be…..(fill in the blank). Surprise! May God’s will be done, through you. Amen.
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