Luke 1:57-80
literature, and this is especially true in the Scriptures, what comes at the
beginning of a passage or a story and at the end often hold the greatest
significance. The stuff in between might illuminate and fill out the meaning of
the passage, but like bread on a sandwich, the words and images on the two ends
hold the events and details together and give them shape and purpose.
Throughout December, we have been
hearing from the first chapter of Luke’s gospel, as those passages lead up to
the birth of Jesus.
We might wonder why Luke takes so
much time laying out the details he reports in the first chapter of his gospel
account. After all, we are eager to hear about the reason for the season,
right? The birth of Jesus. And yet, Luke found it important to report on the
events leading up to the birth, even in some detail the accounts of the people
surrounding Jesus.
On the first week of this journey through
Advent, therefore, we heard the story of how it came to be that John the
Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, the one who prepares the way for our Lord,
was born to a religiously righteous couple, Zechariah and Elizabeth.
Remember how, when the angel
Gabriel, sent by God, announced the gracious good news that Elizabeth was to
conceive a child, Zechariah was struck dumb because he could not quite believe,
or “know this to be true.” He desired proof - some sign that God could or would
do this wondrous thing. After all, both Elizabeth and Zechariah are old, and
throughout their lives have proven to be barren.
the baby foretold by Gabriel is born to Elizabeth, and it is time to name the
baby. This typically happens for Jewish boys when they are eight days old.
babies holds different kinds of significance depending on your culture. When my
husband and I were expecting our children, we carefully weighed the names we
would give them, tossing out many possibilities that one or the other of us
just found unacceptable. The names needed to have the right “sound” and they
couldn’t be associated with a person with an unfortunate past, reputation, or
personality. In the end, each of our children ended up having names that we
liked, and as part of their name, a connection to one of our ancestors.
In the
culture of the Israelites, the name of a child was very significant, and also
connected them with an ancestor. Family connection had become the most
important factor in naming a child during the time of the Second Temple, when
Zechariah was alive. Those gathered that day to conduct and witness the naming
of the child fully expected him to be named after his father, Zechariah.
In both the old Testament and the
New, we know that God sometimes changed the name of a person, such as changing
the name of Abram to Abraham, of Sarai to Sarah, and of Jacob to Israel. Jesus
changed the name of Simon to Peter and Saul to Paul.

As the group are in the process of
naming the child, Zechariah is still unable to speak, so they begin to name him
“Zechariah.” After all this name appears more than thirty times in the Bible
and is often given to those related to the priestly Levite tribe, like this
child’s father. And, of course, it is the child’s father’s name! But Elizabeth,
in faithfulness and trust in the Lord, interrupts them and tells them no, this
child will be called “John.”
Confusion and grumbling ensue since
no one knows anyone in the family named “John”. Why would Elizabeth choose such
a name? So, they turn to the one whose decision is final in such instances, the
child’s father – and Zechariah carefully writes out his name for them – “John.”
The people are shocked and amazed.
Instantly, Zechariah’s speech is restored. God removes the impediment,
rewarding Zechariah for maintaining his faithfulness once more.

God’s mercy delivers a baby to an
aged couple. God’s mercy fills Mary with child. In mercy, God gives the births
of John and Jesus as miraculous gifts of love to a struggling, hurting, and
lost world.
Each person’s response to God’s
grace in Luke’s gospel praises God for the Messiah’s coming in the light of
their own circumstances, hopes, and aspirations. While the ministry of Jesus is
many-faceted, like the many facets of a precious diamond, each psalm of praise
tends to focus on one facet, and all of them together point out the manifold
blessings of God manifested through His Son.
Elizabeth sings out her joy and
wonder at the mercy and blessing of God among us. Mary sings of the mercy of
God that raises up the lowly and gives them good things.
The old priest sees the fulfillment
of what God’s word to him, and God’s mercy and deliverance from our enemies and
all those who hate us. The words of Zechariah are called the Benedictus and
to this day are sung at matins, or the morning prayer of the church. It
concludes with the words, “By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high
will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in
darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of
Mary nor Zechariah could ever have known exactly how God would work through
these babies, but they believed God’s mercy and love is steadfast and unending.
Zechariah trusted that God is working through the
births of these children.
The light that comes into the world, sent by God in God’s
great mercy, is the dawn that will overcome the darkness and shadow of death.
The light is a guide. It will guide us into the way of all peace.
The awesome, hard-to-fathom, unprecedented promise of God’s
mercy is that it is a gift. Unexpected, unusual, seemingly impossible by human
estimations, yet through these Scriptures, and through the songs of response by
Elizabeth, Mary, and the newly eloquent Zechariah, we receive the grace of God
not because of anything we have done but because of what God does for us.
There is plenty of doubt to go around. The story of
Christmas, from the annunciations of the conceptions to the events surrounding
the births of John and Jesus, seems too fantastical, and too good to be true.
We, too, wonder how God can make an old barren woman and a young peasant virgin
become pregnant and bear baby boys whose lives will change the world.
While Elizabeth, Mary, and Zechariah sang out with joy and
praise, the mercy of God addressing the afflictions of the world, we look
around and see a world where the poor are still oppressed, where even in the
“advanced civilizations” of the modern world people with black and brown skin
are hated and are systematically made victims of injustice and persecution,
where Jews continue to be murdered for being Jewish, where followers of Christ
are distrusted and God’s Holy Word desecrated.

The same God who sent his Son into the world to relieve the
pain and injustices of the world, to overcome the darkness in our lives, and to
free us from sin continues to come among us making a difference in our lives
and in our world. God comes into the world in unexpected ways and daily grants
mercy to those who believe in him.
Through the words of Zechariah, we come to recognize that
God’s unending mercy still abides in the world, and that God uses unassuming
and flawed people to show God’s love, compassion, and care.
God’s mercy overcomes the obstacles in our lives, especially
the barriers we ourselves erect, and God delivers on God’s promise of unending
mercy and love. This week was a crazy busy one for me as I know it was for you,
yet I saw God at work last Sunday when several of you gave up hours of your
lives to sing Christmas carols and your beautiful, smiling faces to our
bound and to the places where you live. I saw the faces of aged, confined people come to life when perfect strangers surrounded them with love and song.
I experienced the love of God through a colleague who spoke
a few words of reassurance to me, during a hard week.
I felt God working through the members of the renewal team
as we met on Monday and planned a month of activities here at Zion.
There are so many ways to see and know God’s mercy and love,
God’s faithfulness and abundance, God’s grace and peace.
As you enter the final days of preparation for Christmas, I
pray that you too can join in the words of praise Zechariah sings, as the light
of Christ scatters the darkness and grants you hope and grace forever. Amen.
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